My cousin Lisa visited and we traveled the central north island while the boys drove around and camped in the south island.
Then mid-January, my mom joined us, Rick and Forrest flew home, and we went back to Britannia in the Bay of Islands.
Lots and lots going on! But for those who have not heard yet, Krister and I will be flying back to California to visit and restock our cruising kitty. I'm hoping to catch-up on photo posting and story blogging with the fast free internet while there. So until things slow down, here are a few choice shots to fill you in on how awesome New Zealand has been so far...

The Boys


Waitomo hike with Lisa and Eleanor

The Golden Kiwi!

Lisa on the bow of Britannia spotting dolphins

Mom watching dolphins while sailing

OH and I grew a moustach

Very typical New Zealand hike around the north island

Rotorua Museum; great fun on a rainy day!

Been taking pictures, lots of pictures...

Stalagmites in Aranui cave

Wine Tasting with Lisa and the Laurens in Waiheke

View from Roberton Island, Bay of Islands

Waitomo Caves

Whangarei Falls

Sunset, Bay of Islands